Young children should not take cold or cough medicines : Five alternatives to treat childs colds

I just read the article and thought should save this valuable info for myself at the moment as I dont have any kids!!

Why myself?

Because I caught cold very often and believe it or not I can sneeze at the rate of 100/sec :)

Actually I am alergic to house dust and that is the reason of my sneezing and running nose.

Anyway, if you want to read the whole stroy by Sarah Baicker from Medill News Service just click the title of this post.

Here goes my version to fight against cold:

1. Moisture

Keeping a moist environment.

Moisture in the air can calm dry coughs and keep mucous loose.

----Thinking how I can do that at my home. Have you any ideas?

2. Saline drops and bulb syringes

Babies often have trouble with stuffiness and congestion, because they are unable to blow their noses. Apply a few drops of saline liquid into a baby's nose, one side at a time. Many times, they'll just sneeze the solution out and clear their noses that way.

----I like this idea.

For severe congestion, doctors recommend suctioning nasal blockage out with a bulb syringe.

------wow no way.

3. Honey and corn syrup

Honey can be great for calming a sore throat. The honey worked just as well as most cough medicines.

Corn syrup, which works like honey to coat the throat and help control a nonproductive, dry cough.

----------hmm i liked it. but honey is too sweet, isnt it? then corn syrup is better for me.

4. Warm liquids

Tea, hot chocolate, soup and other warm liquids.

---i will go for tea.

5. Pain killers

no need!!

Well then bye bye medicine. Thanks Sarah.


Anonymous said...

As for having moisture in the air, use a HUMIDIFIER. It really helps.

Rasel said...

thanks a lot :)